
Mary: [in a hushed whisper] Oh look, there’s Saturn. Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun. How many of the satellites of Saturn can you name? Listen, there’s Nemus…Titan…Dione…Hyperion, of course…uhh–
Isaac: –yah, I can’t name any of them. And fortunately, they’d never come up in conversation.
Mary: [deep sigh] Facts. I’ve got a million facts at my fingertips–
Isaac: –that’s right. They don’t mean a thing right? Because nothing worth knowing could be understood with the mind. Right? Everything really valuable has to enter you through a different opening, if you’ll forgive the disgusting imagery.
Mary: I really don’t agree at all. I mean, where would we be without rational thought–

Isaac: –No. No. You rely too much on your brain. The brain is the most overrated organ. I think.

Manhattan, Woody Allen

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And, this blog wouldn’t be complete without a disclaimer (its just the world we live in): The empirical skeptic is a website reflecting the opinions of a personality concocted by an author who shall remain nameless unless law enforcement or the SEC decides otherwise.  This website is not produced by, nor is it affiliated with any financial institution.  The opinions and ideas expressed herein are solely those of the concocted personality, and are absolutely not, under any circumstance conceivable, meant as recommendations to buy or sell securities. 

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